Posts tagged ‘Christmas’

January 8, 2011

Day 39

I’ve spent the whole day writing my essay that I can hardly bear to look at the computer screen, I’m that tired.

I never did my Bodi-Tek Ab-tek toning kit because I need to find more gel, I have nearly run out and I don’t know where to buy more. I used the rowing equipment and today I could really feel it working. What I’ve realised that I need to do is workout longer to actually feel it working. E.g I would have to do 30 sit ups where as my sister only have to do 5 to feel the difference.

Brunch: 3 slices of toast and baked beans

Dinner: west indian soup with all those delicious ingredients, sweet potatoes, yams, dumplings, chicken, carrots. I LOVE IT!!!!

Snacks: flake chocolate bar, white chocolate buttons. I hide my head in shame. For some reason after Christmas, my will power is not that strong to refuse food. What doesn’t help is my mum brought a whole bundle of christmas chocolates that was ridiculously cheap at our local supermarket after christmas which everyone is eating. I’ve given into temptation for too long now.

Drinks: Water, milk, orange juice

December 28, 2010

It’s getting hard…again!

Its come back! The need for chocolate and sweet things. I’ve worked so hard and now I’ve gone back to square one. Just days before Christmas I was over the urges and could wait patiently for dinner, Ignoring anything that was just junk.

Now today I’m sitting here, listening to my family enjoying the rest of the white chocolate bars that I never used for my white chocolate with ice cream desert. I know if I go and have a piece I’ll end up eating the whole lot.

This image does not help my cravings.

December 26, 2010

Day 25 – Christmas day!!

Yesterday (christmas day) was a day of junk. I’m not going to lie, I purposly ate any food that I saw.

For dinner I had the usual Christmas dinner with extras: Turkey, Potatoes, lamb, carrots, Brussels sprouts, parsnips, pasta salad and salad and it was delicious!!

For dessert I was so stuffed that I could only have the apple crumble that I made. The image is coming soon. I was so proud of it, and everyone loved it so much. I also had some delicious chocolate cake which my little cousins made. They are great with deserts.

I never drank any  alcohol apart from some delicious Guinness punch which my cousin made. She made like 5 2l size bottles and there is only 1 left today. I absolutely love it! I was surprised that I drank a lot of water.

When I was eating I never felt guilty once, I enjoyed every second of it!