Posts tagged ‘delicious snacks’

March 7, 2012

Day 29: Nervous for tomorrows weigh-in

Because I ate a lot of junk food over the weekend, I’m a bit nervous about what my weight-in’s going to be tomorrow, I’m hoping that it remaines at 13st 3lbs but I doubt it.

Lunch: Soup

Dinner: Kellogs cornflakes

Snacks: Lots of plums (I didn’t count)

Drinks: Water

March 4, 2012

Day 26 and 27: Cinema and Junk Food

Day 26

Breakfast: Coco pops

Lunch: Mash potatoe and a chicken and mushroom pie, with a taste of chips and cod.

Dinner: A pot of chicken paster

Snacks: Junk!

Drinks: Water

Day 26 was a really bad day. But it got worst when I went to the cinema. I went to see “Woman in Black”, and I really didn’t want to eat the popcorn so I brought myself a pot of pasta and a bottle of water. Even though it’s a 12A, I never realised that it’s quite scary that I kept covering my eyes. I realised from yesterday that I find it easier to watch scary films while eating, maybe it’s comfort eating.  And the only foods that were available to me were what members of my family were eating these included, popcorn, doritos and skittles.

I felt like Michael Jackson in the movie theatre in the Music Video Thriller, where everyone around him is scared to death and he just sits there munching on the popcorn while enjoying the movie. Next time I might have to bring more pasta or salad with me.

Day 27

Breakfast: Coco pops (Not a great diet)

Lunch: Tuna sandwich

Dinner: Chicken, rice and peas, sweetcorn and salad.

Snack: Chicken and sweetcorn sandwich, a hot cross bun ( I really fancied it, I think it’s because of yesterday).

Drinks: Water

February 29, 2012

Day 22: Too much pancakes

Breakfast: Pancakes and beans.

I thought if I was going to have pancakes, the best time that I should have them would be early in the morning so that I could burn it off during the rest of the day.

Lunch: Salmon salad

Snacks: Left over pancakes

I had 3 pancakes in the morning, but my mid-afternoon, my sister and mother had some pancakes and I could not control myself. I ate 2 pancakes and they weren’t exactly thin.

Dinner: Hot and spicy chicken, salad and wholemeal pitta bread.

I had 2 hot and spicy chicken breasts and took my sisters other half, which I shouldn’t have, but they were sooo nice I couldn’t control myself.

Snacks: Orange

Drinks: Water

Clearly I still need to work on myself control, but I feel that I have cut down a great amount since I’ve started this diet again. I’m weighting myself again tomorrow, so I’m a bit nervous. But I’m hoping I’m around 13st 2lbs so that will mean I would’ve lost 5lbs (Hopefully).

My water diet so far is going very well, and I’m not often thinking about fruit juices.

February 25, 2012

Day 18: Set back

Lunch: Caesar salad

Snacks: 2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of bread. 1 slice of bread and a yogurt

Dinner: A very small portion of chicken and rice (It was more the portion of a snack)

Snacks: Homemade chocolate cake and banana cake. which equalled the portion size of one slice of cake. ( I couldn’t help myself it was just the smell that was coming from the oven..yum.)

Drinks: Water

It’s not one of my better days, I don’t think that boiled eggs and toast is really a snack. I need to get my act together and work out my meal and snack sizes. And the banana cake and chocolate cake, I don’t really no what to say about that, but hopefully with time, self control will come naturally to me and it will be easy to refuse certain foods.

February 8, 2012

Day 3: Review

Tonight has been a bit hard. I find myself going into the kitchen and looking around for pieces of food that I can eat. The most that I ate was a few grapes but I really want to nibble on something. I need to get out of this habit of always chewing on something, because thinking about it, I’m not even hungry. It’s just a habit. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy but it’ll be worth it in the end, when I can fit back into my old clothes and feel a lot better.

February 7, 2012

Day 2: O.k

Breakfast: Weetabix

Lunch: Supernoodles

Dinner: Spagetti bolognese

Snacks: Hummus and pitta bread, grapes

Drinks: Orange juice

Still an o.k day and I managed to resist the temptations of chocolates that were brought today (not by myself). But it’s only the second day and I know from experience that it’s going to get really really hard.

February 7, 2012

Day 1: Review

The first day wasn’t a bad day. In fact it was easier than I thought, but I know that in a few days it’s going to get really hard to resist the temptation’s of sweet things and junk. I had my mind on a packet of Walkers crisps but because I had my weight on my mind it was very easy for me not to have one. 

I noticed that I’m not drinking enough water, so I’ll do so. However I will switch to an all water diet, once I don’t have the addiction to sweet things.

There’s not much to write about the first day as it’s always the easiest.

July 28, 2011

Day 7: Busy day

I was out for the whole day today, which is a good thing because it mean’t that I was away from my kitchen and everything tempting. No exercise today which is a bit of a downer. I should have weighted myself today but I forgot so I’ll weigh myself tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous, because this week has not been a success at all!

Lunch:  Fried chicken and dumplin

Dinner: Meatballs and chips.

Snacks: Yogurt, actimel

Drinks: Kiwi smoothy, ginger bear and water

July 28, 2011

Day 6 -Internet connection lost

Well for the last two days my internet has not been working, so I haven’t been able to blog. Sadly because of this, I have been really naughty with my eating, and broke my diet. I should have just wrote down what I was eating on paper to keep track, that would have been the smarter thing to do. But now I’m going to fully focus on my diet.

Breakfast:  Weetabix
Lunch: Soup with dumplins
Dinner: Lamb, chips, peas and corn on the cob. Delicious!
Snacks: Yogurt, actimel.
Drinks: Kiwi innocent juice, water